Ocean News & Technology
8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]
The SR-Utility 3.6 is a collapsible, multifunctional ASV that offers large vessel capabilities in a package that is easily transported and stored (in two standard 65" pallet containers).
This vehicle is designed specifically to support large multibeam sonar systems and is available with an optional autonomous sound velocity cast winch. In addition, the SR-Utility 3.6 has integrated sensors, including bathy/side scan sonar and water quality sonde. Typical break-down and set-up time is approximately 45 minutes.
The large payload deck and onboard data acquisition computer allow operators to interchange a wide variety of hydrographic sensors without assistance. SeaRobotics ASV driver for HYPACK and QINSy allow for streamlined interfacing making the vehicle intuitive, safe and efficient to operate.
Ocean News & Technology
8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]
SeaRobotics SR-Utility 3.6