

SeaRobotics SR CyberHelm System

Autonomous conversion made simple. Our SR CyberHelm options put you in control of your ASV design and build. Whether you wish to retrofit an existing marine asset or incorporate one of our packages into a new vessel, we have the on-staff engineering expertise and fabrication resources to ensure seamless integration and interfacing.

SR CyberHelm offers operators a unique opportunity to benefit from the best of both worlds. By converting a conventional vessel to one of autonomous capacity, owners are able to decide when and where unmanned operations are most appropriate.

All SR CyberHelm projects center around the same communication, control and sensor systems found across our ASV portfolio, but also allows for the addition of ancillary equipment, including custom winches, LARS, and pumping systems.

We have converted a wide range of vessels in our 20-year history for a broad of purposes, from marine survey to defense and security applications, and have seen firsthand how SR CyberHelm offers marine operators a cost-effective way of extending the reach and capacity of their existing fleet.

More recently, we have also noted how increasingly attractive retrofitting has become as a means of removing personnel from harm’s way or work that needs to be conducted in hazardous environments.


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