

Biogeochemical Monitoring

Monitoring of the ocean response to climatic and anthropogenic forcing is critical to understanding the impacts on the global carbon cycle and its ecosystems’ responses. Fundamental changes in the oceans’ biogeochemical cycles, driven largely in response to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations, are already underway. Increasing evidence of large-scale ocean acidification and resultant deoxygenation has emphasized the need to understand the impacts on biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics.

  • Observing a Western Mediterranean overturn event with a Navis BGC autonomous profiling float, a Sea-Bird Scientific case study, provides information on generating data sets to monitor slope-to-basin beiogeochemical fluxes and processes.
  • Biogeoche
  • mical Monitoring of the Oceans Using Autonomous Profiling Floats, published in Ocean News & Technology, provides information on Sea-Bird Scientific solutions.
  • Using Biogeochemical Models to Optimize Sampling Design for Biogeochemical Profiling Float Arrays, a CSIRO poster presentation, provides information on a joint Australia-India Joint Indian Oceean Bio-Argo project.

A large number of Sea-Bird instruments/equipment are suitable for integration with biogeochemical sensors:

  • Profiling CTDs
  • Moored/Time Series CTDs
  • Autonomous Profiling Floats
  • LOBO Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory

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