
Teledyne Oceanscience Claimed

14020 Stowe Drive, Poway, California 92064, San Diego County, United States

Business Details

Teledyne Oceanscience is a world leader in development of oceanographic deployment equipment designed to save survey time and improve data quality. Our major products are remotely-controlled and tethered instrumentation deployment boats for echosounders and acoustic Doppler current profilers. The Z-Boat® was one of the first small, portable, remotely controlled survey vehicles on the market. Get survey data where conventional methods are not feasible or safe, and avoid mobilizing a workboat or vessel of opportunity. The Z-Boat uses advanced radio telemetry to offer remotely-operated hydrographic surveys. All data is accessible in real time, giving the operator total control over the survey process. The Q-Boats and Riverboats allow hydrologists the ability to deploy ADCPs and other instruments from the safely of shore. Oceanscience’s other products include the UnderwayCTD that introduced affordable and compact profiling from a moving vessel, the revolutionary rapidCAST™ automated profile and the popular Sea Spider and Barnacle seafloor platforms. Our experienced ocean engineers can design customized equipment deployment buoys, and we are the supplier of the Clamparatus ADCP frame to NOAA for the PORTS Aid to Navigation (ATON) system.


Oceanscience has supplied the oceanographic community with deployment platforms for environmental monitoring instrumentation for more than a decade. Surface buoy mounts and seafloor frames for acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) lead the industry in reliability and ruggedness. Clients with custom design projects from large spar buoys to small sensor packages benefit from the extensive ocean engineering experience at Oceanscience. In the freshwater environment, we have supplied field survey equipment to the hydrologic monitoring industry since 2001, when the 'Riverboat' tethered boat for deployment of ADCPs was introduced. As acoustic profilers have increasingly been applied to hydrology, Oceanscience has remained at the forefront of new platform development with advanced hull designs and remotely controlled instrumentation boats.


Conceived at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and developed at Oceanscience, the revolutionary UnderwayCTD moving vessel profiling system has brought low cost, high quality upper ocean CTD profiles to physical oceanography researchers in all of the major world oceans. Developed in partnership with Valeport Ltd using the innovative UnderwayCTD deployment system, the new UnderwaySV profiler now brings the convenience of underway profiling to the hydrographic survey industry.


Supporting our customers out in the field is the cornerstone of the way we do business. If you have a shallow water, hydrographic or environmental instrumentation deployment challenge then please contact us and we will do our absolute best to make your task easier, improve your data, and save your valuable time.

Service Company

Map Location

company map
14020 Stowe Drive, Poway, California 92064, San Diego County, United States

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]