
SubCtech GmbH

Wellseedamm, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
+49 (0) 431 22039881

Business Details

Ocean Power:

Leading manufacturer of Subsea Oil+Gas, Storage, UPS, ROV and AUV vehicle Li-Ion batteries—fully approved according API17F, MIL-STD, UN T38.3 etc. to guarantee highest efficiency, reliability and safety for your jobs.

Ocean Monitoring:

Leading manufacturer of autonomous, standardized underway measurement systems for greenhouse gases e.g. pCO2 and other water quality parameters. Producer of datalogger and CO2 analyzers with SOCAT standard.

Map Location

company map
Wellseedamm, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Social Networks


Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]