
Hydromea Claimed

11 Avenue de Longemalle, Renens (VD), Waadt 1020, Bezirk Ouest lausannois, Switzerland

Business Details

Hydromea provides technology for scalable underwater sensing operations. In the future we will be offering an underwater measurement service where we deploy a swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to collect physical/chemical data with high spatial resolution and high temporal consistency.

We are currently offering an optical modem for fast short-range communication and an innovative AUV/ROV-thruster for sale.

Product and Service Company

Map Location

company map
11 Avenue de Longemalle, Renens (VD), Waadt 1020, Bezirk Ouest lausannois, Switzerland

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]