

11 rue Hermès, Parc Technologique du Canal, Saint-Agne, Ramonville 31520, France
+33 (0)5 61 75 10 1

Business Details

CLS employs 650 people, at its headquarters in Toulouse and in its 25 other sites around the world. The company works in six strategic areas of activity: sustainable fisheries management, environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance, fleet management, energy & mining, space & ground systems.

CLS process environmental data and positions, ocean and inland waters observations. In addition, CLS monitor land and sea activities by satellite.

Rapid growth in recent years has motivated the CLS Group to set itself ambitious objectives through the opening up of new markets.
Service Company

Map Location

company map
11 rue Hermès, Parc Technologique du Canal, Saint-Agne, Ramonville 31520, France

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]