Company Directory


Biral Claimed

Unit 8 Harbour Road Trading Estate, Portishead, England BS20 7BL, United Kingdom

Business Details

The company has a rich history in designing and making innovative products including advanced weather sensors covering precipitation, wind speed and direction, temperature, visibility and thunderstorm detection through to aerosol analysers.

Biral also develops bespoke products to meet specific customer requirements and has a successful history in collaboration with leading universities.

As a dedicated member of the scientific community Biral actively participated in European scientific projects such as CRAFT and belongs to the Royal Meteorological Society, HMEI, National Winter Service Research Group (NWSRG) and the Aerosol Society.

Based in Portishead, Bristol in the UK, the company was established in 1975 and is privately owned.

Take a look at our microsite specifically dedicated to lightning early warnings

Product and Service Company
Establishment year:

Map Location

company map
Unit 8 Harbour Road Trading Estate, Portishead, England BS20 7BL, United Kingdom

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]