Company Directory


Soundnine Inc.

11863 124th Avenue Northeast, Kirkland, Washington 98034, King County, United States

Business Details

Soundnine Inc. (S9) was founded in 2011 and is led by ex-Sea-Bird Electronics colleagues Darius Miller and Doug Bennett.

We make our business helping others create successful monitoring systems. We focus on producing complete, reliable and cost-competitive electronics and software solutions to the challenges of getting real-time environmental data all the way from the sensor to the user’s desk top. Thus, we enable more researchers, resource managers, regional stakeholders, instrument manufacturers and integrators to build and sustain high quality yet custom-tailored monitoring systems. Costs are reduced by combining S9’s commercially manufactured and widely supported solutions with local fabrication, assembly and logistical resources.
Product Company

Map Location

company map
11863 124th Avenue Northeast, Kirkland, Washington 98034, King County, United States

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]