Company Directory


Pro-Oceanus Systems

80 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia B4V 1N1, Canada
(902) 530-3551

Business Details

The technology for the first PSI GTD-Pro™ was developed from research in the Oceanography Department at Dalhousie University at a time when measurements of dissolved gases in the oceans were made by collecting water samples for later analysis in the laboratory. Meanwhile, measurement technology had begun to shift away from ship-based laboratory methods to measurements by autonomous instruments on moorings, buoys, submersibles and profilers. These new platforms meant instrument deployments of six months to a year without the opportunity for re-calibration.
Product and Service Company

Map Location

company map
80 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia B4V 1N1, Canada

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]