Company Directory


Balmoral Offshore Engineering

Balmoral Park, Scotland, Aberdeen AB12 3NP, United Kingdom

Business Details

Proprietary training, laboratory, hydrostatic and mechanical testing facilities enable Balmoral to research, identify and develop cost effective materials across a spectrum of applications.

The company has invested heavily in the most comprehensive suite of syntactic, composite and polymer processing facilities the sector has ever seen.

From 0-35,000ft sea water depth, Balmoral products including rigid and distributed riser buoyancy, thermal insulation, ROV/AUV and subsurface buoyancy through to elastomer cable protection, bend restrictors, stiffeners, clamps and riser protection guards are used in the deepest and most hostile waters of the world.

Providing services from concept development through detailed design, manufacturing and testing, the team at Balmoral Offshore Engineering will help your project achieve its full potential.

Product Company

Map Location

company map
Balmoral Park, Scotland, Aberdeen AB12 3NP, United Kingdom

Corporate Headquarters

Ocean News & Technology

8502 SW Kansas Ave
Stuart, FL 34997
[email protected]